How to install Ansible in CentOS 7 with PIP

Today, we are going to learn How to install Ansible in CentOS 7 with PIP. To click above link for more details about Ansible. What is Ansible and advantages of using Ansible. Ansible is an open source IT Configuration Management, Deployment & Orchestration tool which can remove drudgery from your work … Continue reading

What is Ansible and advantages of using Ansible

This is the first post which is related to Ansible series tutorial. Let’s learn What is Ansible and advantages of using Ansible. Ansible is an automation engine, similar to Chef or Puppet. That can be used to ensure deployment and configuration consistency across many servers and keep servers and applications … Continue reading

How to Configure LVM in CentOS 7 / RHEL 7

One of the most useful and helpful technology to Linux system administrator is Linux Logical Volume Manager(LVM), version 2 (or LVM 2). Storage technology plays an important role in improving the availability, performance, and ability to manage Linux servers. Here we can learn How to Configure LVM in CentOS 7 … Continue reading

How to detect new hard disk without reboot in CentOS/RHEL

Today, I will explain you I have added the new SCSI Disk in Linux Virtual Machine, but then I am not able to view that newly added disk in a Linux machine. I have added the new SCSI Disk in Linux Virtual Machine, but then I am not able to … Continue reading

How to Add a New Virtual Disk for an Existing Linux Virtual Machine

Today, My client told me that he want to install an application on a separate mount point so I added the disk in Linux servers. I will show you How to add a new virtual disk for an existing Linux Virtual Machine. I am assuming that you are already aware … Continue reading