How to add “A” Record via cPanel

How to add “A” Record via cPanel ?

Today, this article will help you for changing the DNS “A” record via cPanel. Many people contact hosting provider for changing the “A” cord because of they doesn’t know how to change the “A” record via cPanel. This article will help him to change the DNS “A” Record.

What is DNS “A” record :

An A (address) record is a DNS record that can be used to point your domain name and host names to a static IP address.

Let’s start to change the “A” record via cPanel.

Login your cPanel using username and password:

Username :- use your cPanel username

Password :- use your cPanel password

You can search dns zone editor under the Domains section. There are 2 options you can choose Advanced DNS Zone Editor and Simple DNS Zone Editor.

There is no basic difference between them just click Simple DNS Zone Editor.

When you click on the DNS Zone editor you will get a new screen with a drop down menu where you can select the desired domain name. Click on the drop down menu and choose the domain name for which you would like the DNS zone modified.

Three new areas will load.

1. Select a Domain

2. Add an A Record

3. Add an CNAME Record

The first one will give you the possibility to add an A record for your domain name. All you need to do is enter the desired sub-domain name for the A record and the IP address to which you would like it pointed. Then click Add A record button.

A notification will appear that you have successfully added the A record for your domain.

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