How to install Zend Optimizer on cPanel server?

How to install Zend Optimizer on cPanel server?

Zend Optimizer is a free application that runs the files encoded by the Zend Guard, while enhancing the performance of PHP applications.  The Zend Optimizer is a code optimizer that will generally speed the execution of PHP aplications. Without a PHP hosting provides support for the Zend Optimizer.

cPanel offers ‘phpextensionmgr’ script through which you can install various extensions. To list the available PHP extensions, execute the command as root on cPanel linux server

root@server [~]# /scripts/phpextensionmgr list
Available Extensions:

To list the available Options and Actions, execute

root@server [~]# /scripts/phpextensionmgr –help
phpextensionmgr [options] [action] [extension]

–help       Help message
–prefix     Installation prefix for PHP (normally /usr/local or /usr/local/php4)

install      Install or update the extension
uninstall    Uninstall the extension
status       Display the installation status of the extension
list         Show available extensions

To install Zend Optimizer, execute the command

root@server [~]# /scripts/phpextensionmgr install Zendopt

To verify whether Zend Optimizer is installed, execute:

root@server [~]# php -v

You can install the other available extensions using the same command, just replace ‘Zendopt’ with the extension name you wish to install.

To remove ‘Zend Optimizer’ from the server, just execute

root@server[~]# /scripts/phpextensionmgr uninstall Zendopt


Edit the php.ini file and comment the line that states


under the ‘[Zend]‘ section. In this case, make sure you restart the httpd service for the changes to take affect.

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