Parallels Virtuozzo Panel
# vzctl set 101 –name computer1 –save
Name computer1 assigned
Saved parameters for Container 101
You can also set a name for Container 101 by editing its configuration file. In this case you should proceed as follows:
Open the configuration file of Container 101 (/etc/vz/conf/101.conf) for editing and add the following string to the file:
In the /etc/vz/names directory on the Hardware Node, create a symbolic link with the name of computer1 pointing to the Container configuration file. For example:
# ln –symbolic /etc/vz/conf/101.conf /etc/vz/names/computer1
You can find out what name is assigned to Container 101 in one of the following ways:
# vzlist -o name 101
Checking the NAME parameter in the Container configuration file (/etc/vz/conf/101.conf). For example:
# grep NAME /etc/vz/conf/101.conf
Create container Backup
# vzabackup -D “The MySQL database – latest changes.” -C3
–storage backup_root:1qaz2wsx@
source_root:1234qwer@ -e 101
–exclude-files /tmp
* Sending private backup data
* Backup storage: storing private backup data
* Backup storage: filling resultant backup info
* Removing obsolete backups
* Checking parameters
* Dumping quota
* Backup storage: preparing to backup
* Adjusting backup type (full)
* Backup storage: receiving backup file
* Backing up private area
100% ***************************************************
Restore the Container Backup
# vzarestore –list –storage backup_root:1qaz2wsx@
Show existing backups…
Title Creation date/time Type Size
Container101 2007-02-11T111507+0004 full 8.79 Mb
localhost 2007-02-11T112810+0004 full 150.01 Mb
MyContainer 2007-02-11T113831+0004 full 8.81 Mb
comp1 2007-02-11T110447+0004 full 8.68 Mb
# vzarestore 101 –storage backup_root:1qaz2wsx@
Restore environment: Container101 from 1361ac21-4cae-4981-…