Parallels Virtuozzo Panel Part 3 :-

Parallels Virtuozzo Panel

Parallels Virtuozzo Containers is a patented OS virtualization solution. Virtuozzo Containers 4.0 creates isolated partitions or Containers on a single physical server and OS instance to utilize hardware, software, data center and management effort with maximum efficiency. parallels virtuozzo panel is very easy to handle a containers. Here we have given some commands to configure Parrallels Virtuozzo panel. Lets start
You can assign names to your Containers using the –name option of the vzctl set command. For example, to set the computer1 name for Container 101, you should  execute the following command:

# vzctl set 101 –name computer1 –save
Name computer1 assigned
Saved parameters for Container 101


You can also set a name for Container 101 by editing its configuration file. In this case you should proceed as follows:
Open the configuration file of Container 101 (/etc/vz/conf/101.conf) for editing and add the following string to the file:



In the /etc/vz/names directory on the Hardware Node, create a symbolic link with the name of computer1 pointing to the Container configuration file. For example:

# ln –symbolic /etc/vz/conf/101.conf /etc/vz/names/computer1
You can find out what name is assigned to Container 101 in one of the following ways:

# vzlist -o name 101

Checking the NAME parameter in the Container configuration file (/etc/vz/conf/101.conf). For example:

# grep NAME /etc/vz/conf/101.conf
Create container Backup

# vzabackup -D “The MySQL database – latest changes.” -C3
–storage backup_root:1qaz2wsx@
source_root:1234qwer@ -e 101
–exclude-files /tmp

* Sending private backup data
* Backup storage: storing private backup data
* Backup storage: filling resultant backup info
* Removing obsolete backups
* Checking parameters
* Dumping quota
* Backup storage: preparing to backup
* Adjusting backup type (full)
* Backup storage: receiving backup file
* Backing up private area
100% ***************************************************

Restore the Container Backup

# vzarestore –list –storage backup_root:1qaz2wsx@

Show existing backups…
Title Creation date/time Type Size
Container101 2007-02-11T111507+0004 full 8.79 Mb
localhost 2007-02-11T112810+0004 full 150.01 Mb
MyContainer 2007-02-11T113831+0004 full 8.81 Mb
comp1 2007-02-11T110447+0004 full 8.68 Mb


# vzarestore 101 –storage backup_root:1qaz2wsx@

Restore environment: Container101 from 1361ac21-4cae-4981-…

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