You have installed Docker and run the image and create the docker container in last two post. Now, in this post “Working with Docker in CentOS 7/RHEL 7”, we are going to learn some basic docker commands so let’s working with Docker in CentOS 7/RHEL 7.
How to install Docker on CentOS 7.x
How to manage Docker containers on CentOS/RHEL 7.x
How to Start/Stop/Attach Container
To stop container use following command.
You can stop to any containers with following commands.
~]$ docker stop CONTAINER_ID

To start container use following command.
~]$ docker start CONTAINER_ID

To attach to currently running container use following command.
~]$ docker attach ffaaaf27f068

How to list running Docker containers :
~]$ docker container ls OR ~]$ docker ps

How to run a command in a running container
Run cat /etc/hostname command for docker container will show you output of /etc/hostname file
~]$ docker exec ffaaaf27f068 cat /etc/hostname

Run df -hT command for docker container will show you the file system information on running container
~]$ docker exec ffaaaf27f068 df -hT

The top command shows running process and their details.
~]$ docker top ffaaaf27f068

The stats command does live stream of resource usage statistics, the output of this command will look like a normal top command.
~]$ docker stats ffaaaf27f068

The cp command will help you to copy files/folders from containers to a host system; the following command will copy “to be copied” to /root of a host machine.
~]$ docker cp ffaaaf27f068:/root/ghansham.txt /home/ghansham/

The rename command allows you to change the name of the container, following command rename the adoring_mahavira to ghansham-centos
~]$ docker rename adoring_mahavira ghansham-centos

To run the docker inspect to get the container IP address
~]$ docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' <container ID OR Name> OR docker inspect <container ID OR Name> | grep "IPAddress"


Docker Document Reference : Docker Docs
Hopefully “Working with Docker in CentOS 7/RHEL 7 ”, this will helps your understanding. More post related to Docker
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